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2023-04-27 15:54  

Notice on Matters for International Students

during 2023 May Day Holiday

澳门沙金网址js500 International Students


In order to have a safe, pleasant and warm May Day holiday, all international students, please pay attention to the following:

一、五一放假时间May Day Holiday Duration


May Day Holiday is from 29th April to 3rd May. We will have class on 6th May(Saturday). 8:00-9:40Comprehensive Chinese Language 6 for grade 2018; 15:00-18:40Regional Anatomy for grade 2017 and 2018; Medical Chinese 2 on the afternoon of 6th May will be adjusted to another time.

二、澳门沙金网址js500假期注意事项Matters Needing Attention

1.假期有出游计划的澳门沙金网址js500,必须填写Travel Plans of International Students on Holidays得到批准后,方能离校。离校学生未能按时返校的,按规予以纪律处分。学生假期外出期间安全责任自负。

International students who plan to travel must fill in Travel Plans of International Students on Holidays. Students can't leave the school unless they get approval. Students who fail to return to school on time will be disciplined according to regulations. Students who plan to travel should be responsible for their own safety during holidays.


International students who have the travel plan during the holidays are forbidden to play by the river and pond, and forbidden to swim in open water in order to avoid drowning. Forbidden to use open flame or smoke in the open air in order to prevent fire.


Abide by the regulations of the dormitory. No late return or staying outside all night; Forbidden to accommodateothers the dormitory; Do not affect others life and study; Pay attention to the dormitory safety, and prevent your rooms from fire and burglary


Check the water and electricity facilities in the dormitory, and report to repair in time if there is any fault.

特别提醒:Special note:


Do not leave cash and valuables in the room. Be sure to lock the door when you leave the dormitory. Be sure to lock the cabinet where your personal belongings are kept. Do not sit or lie on the balcony or guardrail in case of falling.


Be sure not to use open flames, smoke, and litter cigarette butts in the open air. Once a fire is started, the serious legal and economic responsibility is too much for an individual to bear.



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